Ask A Different Question

Instinctively, when we have a problem, we begin to hunt for a solution. Seems reasonable……Doesn’t it? Best place to find meaningful answers is to ask good questions and if you have it together, you find an explanation that will lead you to a resolution. When it comes...

The ABC’s Of Job Search

With rare exception, all of us, at some point in time will be looking for a job. The reasons can vary. Maybe you lost your job and you are forced to be the ‘hunter’. Perhaps, you are interested in more money and your current employer just won’t pony up. It’s also...

If It’s Broken – Fix it

Many people lose their jobs. Maybe they were laid off. Maybe they were victims of a bad economy and a company has to cut back. Maybe there was a re-org and as a company begins to shuffle people around and re-position staff, someone gets cut. Maybe you wanted to make a...

Healthy Diet

There are many forms of healthy diets these days. They are all over the media, TV commercials always pushing some form of ‘do this and do that’ and you’ll loose weight, look better, look younger and feel GREAT!!!! Nutritionally speaking, I think one of the healthiest...


If you are on the hunt for something the immediate thought should be INFORMATION. How can you possibly make any move towards anything without info? You have an objective and to achieve that objective with any real efficiency, you NEED information. Looking for a new...

Stuff Happens

Yea, stuff happens, but the key to the door is ‘what are you going to do about it?’ Everybody, from time to time hits the wall. Maybe it’s career related, maybe it’s school related or maybe it’s personal. Either way, your job is to meet the challenge head on and deal...
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