The Finish Line

You are on the job market and feel all the typical stress that partners with the search process. Nobody is exempt from CSA (Career Search Anxiety) Maybe in different ways, but it hits all of us. There are those lucky few that either get recruited and/or land quickly...


Do you have what it takes? This is a question that you/we should ask ourselves regularly. If you do, it will keep you in check. It will keep you fresh. It will keep you in the flow and it will definitely keep you current. It’s so important to take stock in yourself...

Under The Influence

Who inspires you? Who influences you? Clearly, we all have people, organizations and/or some entity that has had an impact on our lives, what we do, what we want, what we dream, what pushes us into some direction that we hope becomes something meaningful and if we do...

All In

  Being on the ‘IN’ is definitely better than being on the ‘OUT’. You can be an INFLUENCER and make an impact on people that just might be the difference of something meaningful or not…… If you INLUENCE, you have the capacity to have a significant effect on the...

4 Letter Words

When you say 4-Letter Words, the auto default is curse words, dirty words, offensive words and generally, people just don’t want to hear that kind of language. That said, let’s talk about the 4 letter words that are meaningful in both your professional and personal...

Running On Empty

What’s the fuel of choice? Regular? High Test? If it’s the car you’re thinking about, pick one and fill ‘er up. But, if it’s the mind and the soul – Think about INNOVATION. If you can fill up on that, you will have no trouble accelerating on IMPACT and that’s how you...
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