
Are you? If not, at some point, people begin to see you for who and what you are. And if you are not RELIABLE, people will either disconnect from you, disregard you because you are not to be trusted or dependable. And if we are talking about work, being unreliable...

First Impression

Did you ever really consider the significance of FIRST IMPRESSION? It is so casually overlooked and too often minimized, when in fact, it should be front and center, top of mind, a priority and something that we should be aware of. Data supports that most people will...


There are 2 things that have jumped to the front of the line in all walks of WORK. Corporations, professional organizations, unions, academia, government, services, industry, manufacturing, construction, and I could go on and on; but the 2 things I am referring to are...

Do Something

In my line of work, I am in the coach’s seat. I am often the first line of defense, or depending on how you feel about it, maybe offense – But often, I am the one that my clients run to for help when they need to add something to their own career development. It does,...

And Then Some

How often do we refer to ‘going the distance’? How often have you heard, “can you stay late, we have a deadline?” Did you give it your all? Can you convey and make it clear that’s who you are? Are you willing to do what it takes, what’s necessary to get ‘it’ done?...


Because of technology today, ALL of us have some type of ‘device’ that requires some sort of plug-in to recharge it and ensure that when we need it, which seems to be 24/7, it will perform up to our expectations. Computers, phones, electric razor, cars, massager,...
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