Do you have TNT? Talent Needs Tenacity. If you have TALENT, that can open doors for you, but you need DRIVE and the ability to exhibit a serious passion for what you want to do. Without that ‘extra something’ you are one of the many in a deep pool of very talented...


Relationships are the foundation for good dialogue anytime. Relationships are the bedrock for a quality conversation. Relationships are the basis or principle for something meaningful. Relationships are the connection; the association and the affiliation that help you...

Build Something

When you are looking for a job or dealing with your career sequence, it makes sense that you approach it like most things in life – from the beginning. You take it one step at a time, plan and create a strategy that puts you in a position to find success. We all...

Added Value

What’s your added value? If I am a hiring manager, I want to know. Your resume and your additional credentials look great and I am interested in meting you but the last thing, I as a hiring manager, HR Manager want to hear is all about YOU. My priorities are on behalf...

Reach For The Sky

Looking to make a career move can be, for many, depending on the reasons and motivations driving the process, can be an overwhelming and daunting ordeal. It’s no secret that for the entry-level job hunter, they don’t always have the experience required to get that 1st...

PT, It’s Good For What Ails You

Passion and Truth are probably the 2 best qualities to apply, exhibit and display when you are thinking about a career change. When it’s time to expedite a career shift, think about what you are really passionate about and how you can facilitate a plan to get there....
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