Happy New Year

As always, my final blog of the year has some thoughts about the end….. and the BEGINNING. Too often, people get stuck on the ‘end’ and not what lies ahead. This is the best time of year to concentrate on moving forward, not dwelling on what happened, but what’s going...

Discipline or Disappointment

You are on the market for a new job or maybe you are in need of a major career pivot that helps you re-invent yourself or maybe you are finishing school and really need to get an internship so you can begin your career sequence and get life moving in the fast lane –...

Community Builder

Are you a community builder? If you are thinking about your career, no matter what stage you are at, you MUST think about the network you have and how to leverage those resources to help you as you continue your career sequence. Having a fortified ‘network’ at your...

Outside The Box

I hear this tossed around everyday in meetings at the Universities and the High Schools where I speak frequently as well as in the Conference Rooms at my corporate clients and quite frankly, I never really understood the significance of it. If you’re outside the box,...


Do you have TNT? Talent Needs Tenacity. If you have TALENT, that can open doors for you, but you need DRIVE and the ability to exhibit a serious passion for what you want to do. Without that ‘extra something’ you are one of the many in a deep pool of very talented...


Relationships are the foundation for good dialogue anytime. Relationships are the bedrock for a quality conversation. Relationships are the basis or principle for something meaningful. Relationships are the connection; the association and the affiliation that help you...
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