
Fear can drive you crazy. It can make you nervous. So much so, that you can actually feel sick. Fear can drive the nervous system to such a frenzied place that you can really feel like you have no control. Fear has a powerful DNA and it can control so many emotions....


Relationships are the foundation for 2 very important things…..Dialogue and Discovery and the 2 feed off each other very nicely. If not for dialogue how can you possibly have discovery? It’s the conversation between people that offers an opportunity to exchange ideas...

Investigate and Learn

Healthcare for the mind is information. It’s one of the best brain foods you can eat! The more information you have especially when it’s specific to something you are interested in, passionate about or something you just need to know the healthier your brain is going...

What’s Your Ability?

Ability, by definition is having the skill to do something well and being proficient at things, so, whatever your ability is, I hope it includes the following: Durability, Stability and Capability. But let’s not forget: Actability, Adaptability, Adjustability,...

Master Plan

Hey, are you looking for a job? Are you looking for a meaningful Internship? Clearly, if the answer is YES, then you need to get yourself ORGANIZED. There is only one way to make this happen, unless, of course, you have the luxury of a family business or some other...

If It’s Broken, Ask Why

The best way to fix what’s broken is to ask why. Ask yourself, how did it break? Then secure your data and begin the process to FIX it. Questions are the driving force for everything we do, everything we think and everything we accomplish. If not for the questions, we...
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