Don’t Lose Your Mind

You are on the job hunt. Maybe you are looking for an Internship while you are simultaneously doing your graduate or undergrad work at a university or maybe you feel the need to make the push and get a better job in place. Perhaps it’s driven by salary requirements or...

The I’s Have It

Can you influence? Do you initiate? Can you bring an idea to life? Are you capable of identifying a problem so you can insure moving forward in a meaningful way? Can you offer or accept instruction? In order to be a success, it’s important to know how to immerse...

Wisdom Can Reinforce Fear

How can you get ahead and make a significant impact on your colleagues, co-workers, direct reports, friends, family and anyone you interface with? How can you continue to influence and make a meaningful impression on people? It’s all about learning. It’s all about...

The Proof Is In The Pudding

So many people looking for jobs, career change, new opportunities and work/life transition keeps people like me pretty busy. My job as career coach, advocate, teacher and partner is to advise appropriately and provide a solid sense of direction so you can find a...

Fall Harvest

The fall represents so many things. The end, unfortunately, of summer and it’s the open door to what eventually becomes winter. But before fall disappears into the snow, cold and the, for some, Winter Blues, we have THE HARVEST. A beautiful annual event that...

Under The Influence

Who do you look up to? Who do you admire? Who made an impact on you and your life? Who demonstrated such character that you could never forget them? Sometimes we encounter people that exhibit great things and the impression made is undeniable and it becomes a lifelong...
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