The Little Things

If you take something that might have the appearance of being insignificant, small, lacks substance and add them together, you just might find that as a whole, they really become something quite meaningful. When you add one plus one, you will, no doubt get 2 and 2 is...

Out Of Gas

Looking for a job and getting a career path under way can be frustrating and full of disappointments. It’s all part of the process and if you let it grab you by the throat, it will knock you on your tail. The secret to a good ‘career sequence’ is...

Rules of the Road

I am on holiday with my wife and have been thinking about the things in life that really matter most. Being happy, finding satisfaction and trying hard to maintain a good attitude toward ‘work-life’ balance. It’s a drag, like many, that I/we sometimes need to get away...

September – Graduation Day!

The school year is about to begin and I am pushing May/June graduation. What’s up with that? But is a blink, you will have completed your 4th year of school. (More if you did Graduate Studies) Either way, you have put in a lot of time. You have spent a lot of money....

Drive Safely

Not everyone has ‘drive’. Not everyone is driven by some inner strength that can pilot his or her lives both, personally and professionally. Drive, in the professional context is or should be a very powerful force. It’s a very close cousin to commitment, dedication,...


To invest is to put an asset out there with the intent of some meaningful gain and/or profit. When you are on the job market and thinking about a career move, you MUST look at yourself as the asset that people, specifically, the hiring community wants to invest in. If...
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