Drive Safely

Not everyone has ‘drive’. Not everyone is driven by some inner strength that can pilot his or her lives both, personally and professionally. Drive, in the professional context is or should be a very powerful force. It’s a very close cousin to commitment, dedication,...


To invest is to put an asset out there with the intent of some meaningful gain and/or profit. When you are on the job market and thinking about a career move, you MUST look at yourself as the asset that people, specifically, the hiring community wants to invest in. If...

What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Stcorey and Will It Hopen Doors? For those of you that are familiar with my fascination of re-inventing the English Language by combining real words, you will know that my use of S-T-O-R-E-Y and H-O-P-E-N is not a typo, but another attempt at creating...

Money In The Bank

How you present yourself says a lot about you. The content with which you tell your story is an important introduction to people and the hiring community. We call it a ‘FIRST IMPRESSION’ for a reason and it’s critical that you make a good one. It is doubtful that you...

Independence Day

There is nothing like the feeling of independence. Whether you are celebrating the country’s birthday or your own personal independence – there is no feeling like being liberated!!! In our professional lives, we are often subjected to answering to others, as we have...


If you are considering your career, the first thing you need to do is get your head around the marketplace. In order to really be successful in the ‘job market’ it is essential that you have a very good understanding just how robust your market is. It doesn’t matter...
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