Secret Weapon

When you are on the job hunt, thinking about a career change, a possible career re-invention (something I know a lot about) and/or you need to make a change for ‘change sake’, the best secret weapon is a RELATIONSHIP. Whatever your current status or what you are...

New Sheriff In Town

It’s a good thing to know how to be a problem solver, but spending too much time chasing problems is not a good thing. You don’t want to be a ‘bounty hunter’ for problems. If there is too much of that negative energy in your world – you need to make a serious change....

Rising Tide

Are you paying attention to the technologies available that can make your job search easier and hopefully a better experience? Are you doing the right things to make the search more seamless and more successful? Are you trend worthy? These are solid questions to be...

Scar Tissue

You are an experienced job hunter. You have years of experience and you are worried about landing somewhere that’s a good fit and an appropriate place that suits your skill level and offers you the opportunity to be involved and have a meaningful impact on the...

What If Your Job Is A Real Dog?

While you develop your career and begin the long journey forward, it’s not uncommon, especially for young job seekers to land in an environment that doesn’t quite scratch their itch. It can happen, so what do you do? You make sure that while you are there, you...

Happy New Year – 2017

It’s the New Year and this is a great time to reflect on what took place and what lies ahead. Especially, what’s in front of us? I love the “what’s next” part of life. It’s what makes our journey fun, challenging and to some degree, a place of mystery. I’m not a big...
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