One Step At A Time

If you are thinking about career changes, it’s good to rely on your core. What is the substance that makes you valuable? What is your center? You build off your foundation and your baseline strengths. The ‘root’ of who you are and what you can do is the essence of...

Ageism And The Workforce

There is a demographic out there that often gets overlooked, over shadowed and passed simply because they are ‘older’. It is difficult to fight this unfortunate reality, as so much of our culture is label conscious and age is nothing more than that – a label. When...

Accept It – Don’t Judge It

As you begin your career journey, you will be confronted with people that push your buttons in a way that can and probably will rub you the wrong way. You will be asked to do things that you clearly won’t agree with. You will be ‘told’ to do things that you won’t want...

100 Percent

Don’t be half good. What’s the point of doing ANYTHING if it isn’t endorsed by YOU 100%? Too often, and we are all guilty from time to time, we try and cut the corners and cheat a little bit. Sometimes, we feel compelled to do it. Maybe there is external pressure to...


We all have baggage in our lives. It adds weight. Often times, the weight is unnecessary and can be, in all forms, but I am referring to CAREER GROWTH, harmful to your heath. At some point, we all have to unpack, eliminate some ‘stuff’ and lighten the load. That...


In my world, we call it ‘added value’. As you consider moving your life forward, it boils down to very few things that will add significance, make you a meaningful player and separate you from the rest of the crew. What you contribute is often how you will be...
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