And then what…….

With rare exception, we all have a choice. Personally, I think it’s a privilege to consider choice, understand that we have the ability to think something through and select what will give us the most value. What can make the selection process difficult are all the...

The Special of The Day

I spend most of my day on the hunt. The prey is talent and client. Stalking and always on the pursuit of fresh kill. Today’s special….. Fresh client – Fresh talent. I know how a pioneer or caveman must have felt – Difficult to come home without...

Loose Ends

If it weren’t for loose ends – we’d have nothing to do. Did you ever stop and think about your day? I mean really think about it… How much you have to do, how much you NEED to do and how much you’d LIKE to do and finally – how much you DIDN’T do.   Everyone seems...

Quitters Never Prosper….or do they?

When do you know when to say good-bye? When do you say farewell, hit the road, look for the door, split, leave, resign – WHEN DO YOU QUIT? Is there an appropriate time to throw in the towel? The corner man in a fight will wait until his boxer is getting the crap...
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