by jstjl1957 | Jan 22, 2016 | Industry News, Motivation, Something to think about, What Matters Most
You are on the move. You are thinking about your future. I think there is a great irony to this word, ‘future’. It means, at a later time or the events that will happen. Future symbolizes tomorrow, but you establish it with today – the beginning. You are looking...
by jstjl1957 | Jan 15, 2016 | Industry News, Motivation, Something to think about
In order to prepare for something, especially an interview, you must do the research. You do a systematic investigation and a study of information to establish some conclusion(s) about whom you are going to meet and the company they represent. You get the facts. You...
by jstjl1957 | Jan 8, 2016 | Industry News, Motivation, Something to think about, What Matters Most
People are the most important commodity and they are a source of survival. Not unlike water or air, we need it/them. There are so many types of people with such diverse skills, qualities, personalities, qualifications, strengths and weaknesses, and on a personal note,...
by jstjl1957 | Dec 31, 2015 | Industry News, Motivation, Something to think about, What Matters Most
The word ‘NEW’ has great depth to it and we shouldn’t minimize it’s meaning or it’s significance. It applies to all things we will do today, tomorrow and forever. It’s all about keeping things moving forward and ‘NEW’ is...
by jstjl1957 | Dec 24, 2015 | Industry News, Motivation, Something to think about, What Matters Most
The best way to learn is to be quiet. Listen to the people you work with and process what they say. Study the content of a conversation and think about what they are saying. Enroll yourself in The School of Thought. The more you hear, the more you listen and the more...
by jstjl1957 | Dec 18, 2015 | Industry News, Motivation, Something to think about, What Matters Most
How important is your resume? Despite the fact that industry statistics say, the average time spent reviewing a resume is 6-15 seconds, they are still very symbolic and can make a difference in how you are perceived by the hiring community. Never under estimate the...