How can you possibly accomplish anything if you don’t TRY? At the end of the day, it’s all about your effort and the attitude that drives that effort. It all comes down to your sense of self-commitment and a pledge that you have to make to yourself. What is it that you want to do? What is it that you want to accomplish?

These questions will give you solid footing if you take ownership on your target, the process and the end results. Manage the process of trying and keep your target in sight and know your objectives. Intent can carry you a long way. A plan behind the intent will guide you. Ambition can be the fuel that carries you forward. It’s not always about the finish line. A career sequence, a project, a plan and life, for that matter, all take time, so use it wisely. Think it through. Make adjustments along the way. Be considerate of where you are, where you want to be and remain dedicated to the path you are interested in. Be determined and have point of view. But no matter what and how you do it – make the effort, support it meaningfully and try to do things with conviction and purpose. Be true to yourself.

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