Contribution is such a great and powerful commodity.
You can donate time, money or service to a charity of choice and in the long run provide some help for deserving people or causes. It’s a win-win. You feel good and make someone feel good.
There are other ways to contribute too. You can take someone under your wing at work, at school, in life and just add an extra layer to them by being patient, helpful, nurturing and augment what and who they are. Contributions like this are more meaningful than money. It will change someone’s life. It will heighten and inflate their self confidence. It’s a great way to amplify self worth and help make difficulties in life easier.
Guidance is a contribution.
When I measure someone’s performance, I think about the contributions they make. What value do they add? Are they personally productive? Just being capable and accomplishing tasks aren’t enough. Can they execute and operate well with others? Be the one that initiates and provides motivation. It will help everyone , especially the juniors on the team.
Self-confidence comes from strength. Contribution is an improvement and a commitment. What better way than to make a personalized contribution? Give something. Share something. Take time and give it.
The dividends are for life!