The value behind the words: It’s not just the content of the conversation you need to focus on; it’s primarily the substance of what we are saying and how it is perceived by all involved. What is the point we are trying to make? Are we making it clear? Are we telling our story? Are we getting the message out there? Is it being defined properly? Is there clarity behind the words? Is there meaning to it?
Conversation is not to be taken lightly. It’s still the best way to communicate. We can think that an e-mail, text and/or a voice mail carries a conversation – but in fact, it does not. It falls very short. So much gets lost in translation. Without voice, we have no choice but to make assumptions, and that can be a dangerous way to get things accomplished. The influence of ‘tone’ and body language are all attached to face and voice. Phone conversation can be a pretty good second place, but there is nothing like meeting with people, looking in their eyes, exchanging ideas, thoughts, feelings and making clean observations that can be discussed with the intent of building a relationship.
The conversation between eyes is the most efficient way to communicate. That adds layers to a conversation. The voice alone leaves questions and sometimes doubt. When we are looking for an end result, we need to create a solid dialogue. We talk, we listen, we process, and we make determinations based on all of that.
Try and do that with E-Mail or text With exception, it’s a half conversation. Try and make eye contact that way and get inside someone’s head – you can’t do it.
If you really want to get things done – let’s get together and have a conversation.