So, you’re driving down the highway, and all of a sudden you see a sign up ahead that says ‘DETOUR’.
Your initial reaction is: Bummer and right away you are anticipating an additional amount of traffic and drive time. Doesn’t make the day any sweeter – does it?
All you want to do is get to your destination. And, you want to do it quickly and without a lot of problems. Sounds like the highway of life too. Nobody wants to experience detours; however there really are no smooth roads. Speed bumps are part of the process. Even with the best of circumstances, as we all know ‘stuff happens’. Part of the journey.
The purpose of the detour, however, is to re-route you and get you where you need to go. Some town official, some management team decided on the best possible alternate route for you. Personally, I think it was very kind of them to do the dirty work. GPS will do the same thing. You don’t have to think – just follow directions.
Your road to success and your journey that gets you there might not be that simple. You are definitely going to have to work hard on your detours and figure out the alternate routes ahead. There are no GPS systems in place to assist you. What resources you choose to rely on is entirely up to you. Think about them and be practical about how you use them as a guide. You will have to invent your own GPS to get you where you want and need to be.
The detours can represent problems and that can add layers to your ‘process’, however, it’s the struggle that makes the trip worthwhile. You think about the accomplishments you make along the way and you draw strength from that. Helps get you through each phase. And, in the long run – gets you to the destination point. A journey’s end.
Have a nice trip.