Yes, at times, we all face some type of obstacle that gets in our way. They come in all shapes and sizes, and they cover a variety of categories. Personal. Professional. Lifestyle. Political. Family. Relationships. Community. Friendships, Acquaintances. Neighbors. Spiritual. School. At any given moment, as we just manage the day-to-day activities, DIFFICULT can rear its ugly head. It can be anticipated, it can be a surprise but when it arrives at your door, you must respond to the bell and open it. If you think, ignoring the knock will make it go away, you are only postponing the inevitable. Eventually you will have to answer the call and manage DIFFICULT. It will not resolve itself. You must deal with it. DIFFICULT is the best way to change, to grow, to improve, to acquire more meaningful knowledge, to remake what was into something that will be. Let DIFFICULT help you. Let DIFFICULT guide you.
Learn to exchange what might be painful and tough for something that can help you move forward. Problems offer solutions. What appears to be an inconvenience can become incredibly convenient as it, in the long run can provide the lesson necessary to help find that solution. Not saying it’s a breeze – It’s not. But consider taking refuge in your difficulties. If managed properly and with the right mindset, they can be mighty liberating.