If you do – You surrender and if you do give up – You lose.
Giving up is often the easy way out and that too is a losing proposition. Where is your heart? Where is the motivation that you need to carry you through? Where is your sense of commitment?
We all deal with adversity. That’s part of life. I’m not minimizing for one second how that impacts you, but we all know that, in life stuff happens and our job, our responsibility to ourselves and others we engage with is to push on, move forward and FIGURE IT OUT.
Changes in life, professionally and personally can and will take a toll. Sometimes it will shift in a positive direction and sometimes it can drive you down. Disruption is not to be feared. It’s to be embraced so we can manage it.
If you do give up and quit, you sacrifice an opportunity to achieve something important, something meaningful – SUCCESS!!! Don’t abandon what you think will beat you. No, stare it down. Challenge it and yourself. As paralyzing as adversity can be, it’s up to us to get our head wrapped around it and make sure we manage it, control it, and make it either go away and/or make it work on our behalf. Take BAD and make GOOD.
It’s not a matter of ‘winning’ that makes the outcome good. If you give your ALL and know you have done everything you can, you have done well. It’s knowing that you didn’t go the distance that allows you to fall. You deprive yourself of learning, improving, boosting your self-confidence and above all, you set yourself up for DEFEAT and any shot at succeeding.
When the stuff hits the fan, step away so it doesn’t smack you in the face but DON’T GIVE UP.