Are you ready to take the ride? Many people fall into a category that I call, ‘Target Anxiety’.
They are waiting for a bus that they hope doesn’t show up, because they are afraid to get on it. I often wonder why people have a life itinerary, but have a fear of getting to the destination.
If fear gets in your way, it will prohibit any form of progress. Progress or ‘moving forward’ as we like to say today is what it’s all about.
If you aren’t moving forward, you are either standing still or worse – moving backwards. What you end up seeing is, everybody else in front of you. You don’t want to be in the rear view mirror. On the contrary, you want to be at the head of the line.
How do you get there? You put the anxiety and fear to good use. You tell the voice of apprehension to suck it up and use that energy, which can be stifling to push the nerves outward and get your butt on the bus.
You make a commitment to yourself, you pledge and place demands on yourself and you push yourself to do what is necessary to get ahead. You look fear in the eye and tell it to shove it someplace and take control. You end up driving the bus!
There are a variety of techniques that can help you do this. Job Search Therapy offers multiple solutions to help you build the confidence within yourself to take the leap of faith and find a route to what you want and what you need.