Most of us want to be a LEADER and not FOLLOW, but there are times when FOLLOW is the best and right course of action to take. If you are in sales, you get that. Once you establish yourself and snag a possible sales opportunity, you will no doubt have to do some FOLLOW-UP. That’s always the secret sauce. No different when you are applying for a job, an internship, trying to create a networking opportunity, get a date with someone that has captured your heart or waiting for the tailor to complete alterations on your suit.
Somehow, FOLLOW-UP is just a part of our day-to-day and there isn’t any way to avoid it. It’s a means to an end. It’s your time to pursue, investigate and find some CLOSURE. It provides the opportunity to continue the CONVERSATION and get more INFORAMTION. That’s the sweet spot that comes from your FOLLOW-UP.
But beware, there can be danger in your FOLLOW-UP. Are you crossing that undefined ‘fine line’ of being PROACTIVE or a real pain in the ‘you know what’? Once you cross that line, you lose TRUST, and you will forfeit a chance to make things happen…. whatever that might be. You compromise and sacrifice all that you have worked so hard to ACCOMPLISH. That’s the penalty and the RISK. In other words, you lose.
You pay attention to what you do and how you do it. Be mindful, be respectful of people’s time knowing you have no choice but to FOLLOW-UP.
You are looking for RESPONSE, a REACTION and it’s often predicated on the way you Manage the FOLLOW-UP.
So, take charge and Engage the LEADER in you to FOLLOW-UP.