Typically, this represents an exchange of ideas or opinions. Sometimes it’s also a willingness to accept someone else’s ideas, concepts, suggestion which can easily help us find clarity. However, since opinions are like bellybuttons, as everyone has one, you do want to process what they share and make sure it fits into your plan. But having other people offer insight can be very meaningful and open you up to explore more options.
Options represent CHOICE. Knowing what the alternatives are is always helpful as you look to make decisions. Choice is POWER.
But as we do explore, research and consider what’s in front of us having resources that provide some ‘give and take’ can be so important and consequential. Mentors, parents, teachers, colleagues, good friends are all potential give and takers – Identify your resources and never feel afraid to reach out. They won’t always be right, but they will always mean well. So put it out there. Don’t just take – Offer to reciprocate and make it known that you are also willing to give. That exchange must have 2 sides. It’s called a partnership and the contribution we can provide is where the true substance is. Give and Take is a great barter system. Giving at the very least will support satisfaction and sometimes that’s reward enough. Find the happy medium, find the middle ground. That’s why we GIVE and TAKE.