Failure is an essential lesson to be learned. It can be the most effective way to learn. As a career coach and someone that works often with college age and entry-level job seekers, I will advocate and ‘push’ my young clients/students to be pro-active about exposure. If you put ‘it’ out there and take the risk, you have an opportunity that provides something positive and favorable. The upside is a win-win. You expose yourself and get an immediate result. If it’s success, you have learned how to move forward. If it’s not successful, you get an opportunity to re-think, re-group, learn from it and then move forward. Simply put – you only have something to gain. All good.

Personally, I think failure is not just an essential learning tool, it should be encouraged, as a bi-product of trying and it should be a requirement. Don’t let fear of failure inhibit you from trying something, learning, experiencing new territory and creating new possibilities. It’s THE BEST way to get your life in motion.


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