As always, my final blog of the year has some thoughts about the end….. and the BEGINNING.
Too often, people get stuck on the ‘end’ and not what lies ahead. This is the best time of year to concentrate on moving forward, not dwelling on what happened, but what’s going to happen. Yesterday is done and although I hope we all learn from our ‘yesterdays’, I’d prefer that we think about the launch of 2018. It fills us with hope and desire, as we say ‘hello’ and not ‘good-bye’.
New Year’s Resolutions are tossed about loosely and sometimes what’s behind them is a lot of fluff and not substance.
Why not think about intent, decisions, goals, targets and a real sense of COMMITMENT. What are your plans for the new beginning? Are you prepared to take what you have built and make it even stronger and better?
The message should be clear as you think about a plan and drive it with purpose and passion.
If you continue to pre-occupy yourself with last year, you will slow down the process of moving things forward. Think about open and close, hello or good-bye. When you close it – it’s done. You move on. When you open something, you have a fresh start. When you say good-bye, you leave and move on. When you say hello, you, again, create a new moment and a new beginning. Don’t limit yourself. Don’t place restrictions on yourself. We call it ‘NEW’ Year for a reason. Something new and fresh and something to look forward to is where you want to be. Think about development and opportunities.
Happy New Year from all of your friends at Job Search Therapy – May it open many doors and allow you a chance to say ‘hello’ many times throughout the year.