There are many forms of healthy diets these days. They are all over the media, TV commercials always pushing some form of ‘do this and do that’ and you’ll loose weight, look better, look younger and feel GREAT!!!!
Nutritionally speaking, I think one of the healthiest diets is ‘CHANGE’. Yes, you heard me – change in lifestyle, change in life structure, change in habit, change in thinking and change in careers.
Too many of us, for a variety of reasons fall into a rut and become so complacent, that we loose sight of what we are actually doing and why. Sometimes it just makes sense to take a soft step back, revaluate what we do and consider change. Sometimes, circumstances dictate change. Maybe forces greater than ourselves creates what at the time feels like an impossible situation and you have no choice but to shift, make an about face and transform who you are and what you do. I know, I experienced that very thing. I lived career disruption. An extraordinary experience for me and one that became one of the best life-lessons ever.
The net take away was that if you try and push forward, you will. Please do not focus on the many reasons why you can’t do ‘it’. On the contrary, focus on the one reason why you can and should.
Don’t let change force you into submission. No, take a good look at who you are, recognize your value and AMPLIFY your accomplishments. Let them hear you and let them take notice – You will survive change. If managed well, the diet of change can lead to greater things and make you feel and look great. Bon appetite