Well, we did it – another Friday. And for many of us – a long weekend w/ Monday off.


Been hearing ROI allot lately.

Seems no matter what gets discussed, the question is, ‘what’s in it for me/us?’

What is the margin? What is my Return on Investment?

Can’t blame the market for asking – still challenging out there.

Been talking too many in publishing and creative services and the common thread is  – We need to make changes. We need to convert. We need to modify.

What are the alternatives? How can we do what we do, remain relevant and continue to grow?

Difficult questions to answer – for sure.

We can’t always measure it in dollars and cents. (ROI)

Sometimes we need to take the leap of faith. Sometimes that leap is the 1 step back – 2 forward. Requires courage.


And, that, to me, is the biggest issue. Courage – or lack of it.

There has to be a shift and that takes time, money and commitment.

We all have so many moving parts these days. All I am asking is to use a little grease and keep them moving. Show some tolerance as the changes take place.

It’s called vision.


Have a great weekend. See you next week.


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