The best way to fix what’s broken is to ask why. Ask yourself, how did it break?

Then secure your data and begin the process to FIX it.

Questions are the driving force for everything we do, everything we think and everything we accomplish. If not for the questions, we don’t have any reason to get up in the morning. Everyday, we are confronted within ourselves, our colleagues at work, our family, our friends our teachers, our professors, our mentors and everybody we engage with – QUESTIONS. They put mind fuel in our brains and they should motivate us to investigate, look for process, take action and find solutions.

The solutions, the answers are the reward.

But you cannot have a solution, an answer, a resolution without what comes first…..THE QUESTION.

Throughout our lives, from the day we are born, Q&A surrounds us.

Watching a toddler begin to talk, formulate words and sentences two of the most common words are, why and how. It’s exhausting for a parent but it’s also a wonderful experience. The age of discovery begins early and should never stop.

Don’t be intimidated by your environment. Classroom, work or at home, there will be moments when you just don’t know the answer. You might not be able to get your head around something, so make a note and when time permits you can ask someone for assistance and/or do the research and find the answer.

There is no shame in not knowing something. In fact it’s an advantage to not know something, as it allows you the chance to learn. So when you have a question – fix it and prepare to learn. It’s a very satisfying and fulfilling feeling.




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