Never feel like you have to PROVE yourself when you are engaged in the hiring process. When you meet people and your career becomes a topic of conversation, it is not your place to have to PROVE yourself. When you are in an interview, again, you do not have to PROVE yourself. Yes, you have to sell yourself, but it’s more about establishing you are a viable candidate by relying on your value and the added value you will bring to this organization. When you are young and just beginning your career or maybe, like me, you were subject to some significant career transition and feel like it’s the beginning again or if you are in the same job for many years, you DON’T have to prove yourself.
You land in this new environment and what you should set your sights on is a short- term goal of listening, processing, learning and IMPROVING. That where the prove is; right there in the same word. Improve…….
If you feel that you have to PROVE yourself, something is very wrong.
Improving is what our lives are about. We should all strive to be better at all that we do. Professionally and personally, and that’s where the fulfillment is. If you can demonstrate your substance, your core, you can then also validate yourself as a worthy choice in the hiring process and that’s how you move forward which will give you an opportunity to improve. So, when you begin the new workweek, start to think about making improvements and challenge yourself so that you create opportunities to IMPROVE.