Not seen, not heard, not available, unnoticeable, hidden and under the radar – This is NOT how you want to be perceived at work. Whether you are a new hire or you have been there for many years, playing it safe so you are always positioned securely may seem like a great strategy, but it is NOT. You must be seen You have to be heard. You must take risks and challenge yourself. How else will you improve what you do? How else will you be recognized?
There will be times when ‘quiet’ will work on your behalf, but if you do not push yourself to the front of the line, guess what – You will always be at the back of the line.
Career development is a process and process take time. Time to learn, time to upgrade, time to move forward, time to build, time to make progress and time to GET BETTER. This is where your added value is. Added value is your CURRANCY. It’s what people at work want and look fort in the team.
Fulfillment in life, professionally and personally is all about MOVING FORWARD. Silence can move but it will move slower. Tip toeing has a hush to it, and you can sneak up, out and in, but you want to let them know you have arrived. I am not suggesting you make an overwhelming amount of noise, as that extreme is counterproductive, but making an ‘entrance’ will set the tone for you. It will establish things in your favor.
Let them hear you. Let them see you. Don’t blend in – STAND UP and STAND OUT. Do not be or become invisible.