When you are looking for a job, you MUST remember that it takes time and while that in of itself, is a commodity and luxury that we typically don’t have enough of, you have to learn to manage your time and be patient. Time plays a role in all that we do. It’s the common metric that measures pretty much everything. How many hours a day do we work? How much time do you spend at the gym? How many hours of sleep do you get? What time is your train? How long is your drive to work? What time is dinner? Movie, a show, date with friends, business meetings, conference calls, networking event….I can go on and on, but when you look at your life, we structure most of it in time and TIME MANAGEMENT will always play a significant role in how you plan, prepare, produce, fail, succeed, learn and SEARCH FOR AND FIND A JOB.
The PROCESS I refer to is your series of actions that we hope creates an edge and positions us in the very best and most appropriate way. Discover your targets. Determine your goals and career objectives and then map out a strategic plan. As you implement this plan, you will begin to discover many things about yourself. Strengths, weaknesses, assets, added value, stamina, desires, drive, self-awareness, self-confidence, ability to push forward and deal with adversity are just a few things that will affect you, and all of this will require your undivided attention, which will take TIME.
Engage and mobilize all your resources. Your network, research the marketplace, your CAREER COACH, the job boards are all important tools to help initiate the process of finding your next opportunity, and as you reinforce the strategic plan, you will always see – It’s a process to process and the best place to begin the process is, naturally, the beginning. Right foot, left foot….one step at a time will get you where you need/want to be.