In order to do a good search you need to do REsearch first.
How well do you know your market? How well do you know your industry? How well do you know the competition? How well do you know your own capabilities? How well do you know yourself?
If the answer isn’t ‘very well’ to any of these questions – then you have some work to do.
Before you enter any aspect of any business, old or existing – you need to have your awareness level in a very good place.
In order to do this, it requires time, effort and the ability to put together a meaningful plan. That means you need information. Become investigative. Become inquisitive. Explore all facets of the market. Learn as much as you can about the people you will be dealing with. Learn what they do, how they do it and why they do it. Learn to speak their language. It’s so important to have a full & complete understanding about them and the industry they work in. If you have a commanding presence when you engage them (face or phone) you demonstrate a common ground – an alignment that will provide them with a comfort zone. They will feel ‘right’ about working with you. That’s how you develop trust. If you create that environment – you have the foundation in place. Of course, you have to deliver and do a great job. That’s the payoff.
In order to be competent – you need to be a student. Uncover and discover and establish yourself. It all starts with The Academy of Prep or what I call ‘Prep U’.
Information is the key to unlock this door. Once the door is open – you have the opportunity to present yourself. If you want to be successful – you better be familiar with client, service, product and process.
There is a misconception that once we get out of school and begin a career, studying and homework become a thing of the past. Quite the contrary, that’s when it really begins. Every day at work should be a day at school. Life is a school and we are here to learn. What we learn on a daily basis will and should serve us each and everyday. Embrace this and build yourself into something better, smarter and become someone that adds substance to the team. That will keep you engaged, make a lasting impression and probably help you maintain your job.