I spent most of my professional life making pictures. Capturing content for others and helping them, in the most creative, sensible and cost effective way – solve problems.

People relied on me as a service provider to evaluate, process and find a successful path to some visual solution. Often that was more fun than the actual result. I loved to see the finished product, but solving problems was a lot of fun for me. That, of course, is the root of it anyway. The problem, which helps you work backwards to move it all forward by creating a solution.

Career Coaching is a parallel world. Instead of providing visual content, I now provide advice and help people solve different set of problems. Still requires an insightful mind and the ability to see from the inside out. I get inside my client’s head and help them recognize their short falls and weaknesses, convert that into strength and then move their life forward as they begin to determine a career sequence.

Producing a photo shoot is a layered process. Like most things, you start at the beginning and take cautious steps to move the process forward. Phase 2, you develop some rhythm, speed up the process and as you get all the pieces in place you begin to get a visual lock and make a picture.

Career sequencing is no different. You analyze your potential market and slowly leverage your expertise, experience, network and credentials as you explore an appropriate place to get your career moving.

In both cases, it requires hard work and nobody should complain about working hard, cause nobody works easy – do they?

However, if you learn to drive yourself with passion and purpose, you begin to see that hard work becomes ‘good work’. Doesn’t eliminate or decrease the difficulty factor, but it sure makes it easier to deal with and that’s key while you are figuring your career out – reduce and/or minimize the ‘hard’.




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