Labels and trademarks don’t only apply to product and services. The fact is, you are your own brand. You need to see yourself as a proprietary name that has a unique value that should be marketed properly. If you don’t have something to sell, then there’s nothing to buy.
You are on the market and in need of a job. Does not matter if this is your first giant step into the world of commerce or you are an experienced candidate in need of or thinking about something new or you are in transition.
Like any brand, it needs support and something that will market it – something that will sell it.
There has to be, like any product/service a strategy and a plan driving it. Talk to anyone in advertising and marketing and the first thing that comes to mind is the strategy. Part of that strategy is the concept. Concept is important. Telling a compelling story off the concept is essential – but it all begins with the PLAN and the STRATEGY behind it. How do we get this story, this message out there and make your voice heard?
The brand is you. How are we going to tell this story and get inside the mind of the hiring community? You need to know and understand your market. Know what it’s looking for. Know how to present it (you) in a meaningful way that gets you noticed. Why are they looking at you? What is it that you have to offer that so many others also might have? If you do the research and do your homework, all part of the strategy, you will learn as much as you can about your market and develop a fluency that enables you to speak in their language. This becomes a connection point, which can establish an entrance into that front door of the job search. Be informed, be well-versed and get very familiar with the territory you are interested in. It can help distinguish you from the many looking for the same position.
Lay out a plan. Develop a strategy; it will help differentiate you as you direct this process.
I want you to think about what you are, what you do best and how we are going to market those qualities. Even for an entry-level candidate, with exceptions, there is some quality you have that resonates and can be the game changer that makes a Talent Acquisition Specialist pause and take notice. If you can tell that kind of story, you either are uniquely gifted or most likely you gave thought to how to strategize and present your brand. If you educate yourself, you increase your chances of improving yourself and that can make a huge difference when you are searching for a job or career move.