Perception can be so varied, mixed and misleading because we all see and interpret things differently. As the saying goes, ‘opinions are like bellybuttons – everybody has one’. Yes, sometimes there is a clear case of ‘right and wrong’, but so much is left to our own translation. The meaning represents different things as we process. Personally, I like this approach. I can learn from what others think. Might not agree but there is an education in these exchanges and often, worth listening too. Insight from others can illuminate and broaden things for us. It can open us up to see what we didn’t see. That understanding can change how we feel and appreciate things.
We all view stuff through a different lens and that view, that vision can provide clarity and a sensation allowing us to assert a belief that works for us. Don’t let the external noise get in in the way and obstruct that vision. It’s yours to see. Embrace your vision and distinguish it from others. Make it yours. Own it. Learn to appreciate your perception.