It’s not about seeing what is, but what will be and what CAN be. It’s not as simple as what lies in front of you – it’s what’s in front of that. A true visionary has the ability to see from all sides of the landscape. It’s a wide-angle lens with no restrictions on the peripheral view. It requires such an ambitious mindset and the ability to see beyond a typical and normal thought. A true visionary is a forward thinker. They process differently because they see things and analyze things differently. The visionary has an instinctive way of taking something and adding a real sense of imagination to it. They maintain an inspired point of view and challenge the ‘norm’. That’s the cool part – challenging the norm.
The true visionary sees things in an uncommon way that is unfamiliar, unusual, and unlike anything in form and nature than we mere mortals are accustomed to. They are distinctive and that’s what separates them from the rest. Transforming an idea or thought into something, often complex and making it so simple. It’s a beautiful thing to behold.
Usually the results are that ‘holy crap’ moment. It becomes something that we all take notice of.
The visionary has the capability of taking things way beyond the standard and project it like a missile into a place that most of us do not travel. The experience of listening to a person of vision can be awe inspiring, as they have a natural and unconscious wisdom that drives an idea or conceptual thought as a series of actions in order to achieve their ultimate goals. Reflexive and second nature – It’s a unique quality for sure.

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