As a kid, a very common line from parents of my generation was, “stand up straight”. Parents had a real bug about this and to this day, I don’t really know what drove that or where it came from, but it was something I heard often. Maybe my posture was bad – Don’t know.
And now that I have 2 grown children of my own, I can honestly say, I never told them to ‘stand up straight’.
As a career coach, I have a very different spin on POSTURE.
To me it represents ATTITUDE, a POSITION, a stand, a VIEWPOINT, a POINT OF VIEW, an OUTLOOK, a PERSPECTIVE, or a MINDSET. It’s symbolic of many things and the last one on my mind is, am I standing up straight?
In all that you do, especially the way you present yourself, the way you BRAND; much of it comes down to your POSTURE. How you present yourself will be the embodiment of who you are, what you stand for, who you do it for and most of all – Do you provide added value? If there is no value driving what you represent or your POSTURE, there will be no serious interest in you. No impact – No interest.
The message you want people to get from you often comes down to your attitude. Is it a strong message? Is it positive? Is it negative? This is something you can control. There are many things requiring no talent to be successful. Work ethic, being prepared, being on time, doing extra, effort, body language to name a few and there is your POSTURE. What you stand for will, if presented well will take you a long way. Personally, or professionally, posture personifies you.
Your posture represents how you get ahead. So, as you consider how you want to be labeled, remember to ‘stand up straight’.