At some point all of us are confronted with career choices. Did you just graduate? Are you unhappy with your current job? Is it time for a change? Are you looking to make more money and HR said, sorry not now? There are a variety of reasons why we will stop, reassess where we are, where we want to be and how are we going to get there.
Engage the resources you have. Students have a Career Center. Professional organizations, your network, a professional career coach, a trusted and knowledgeable friend, the internet; these are just some of the resources you have. Don’t for one minute minimize the value all of these can provide. Use one. Use several. Use all – But use them, as they will help drive you from one place to the next.
If you are serious about making the change happen, you will reach out to the resources you have and that requires moments of conversation. You know, where you might actually have to SPEAK. Not email, not text – But speak in VOICE. And that is a 2-part event. Speak and Listen. Process what is being said, asked and respond. Simple on the surface, but for some it can be awkward. Younger folks are accustomed to email and text so ‘voice speak’ is a novelty and can present challenges, as they are just not used to it. To this audience, I can only say, get past that because the most effective way to manage career development is to COMMUNICATE… voice. This is where you need to ‘read the room.’ You have to tune in to the subtle nonverbal cues of the people or person you are talking to. You must pay extra close attention and pick these signs up. Could be body language. Could be minor facial expressions, a roll of the eyes, a furring of the brow, a sigh, a laugh, a simple nod of the head or a vibe. Either way PAY ATTENTION because that body language can often be more telling than words and it could change the dynamics of the conversation in a heartbeat. And it could impact a final decision.
Networking, interviews, job fairs, power lunch, coffee are common examples where you have to READ THE ROOM. Keep your audience engaged and listen and watch how they respond. It will improve communication. It will provide better business outcomes. It helps establish a good rapport. It will increase engagement. And you can avoid disaster. Self-awareness is a great way to READ THE ROOM.