Not all of us enjoy taking a RISK. For some, it can be a frightening experience. But without question, an opportunity to take a RISK will present itself and if you don’t act, you could sacrifice something very meaningful and rewarding. We either create opportunity or sometimes it presents itself. Our job is to recognize what is staring us in the face, embrace that moment, make something happen, and look for the best path forward.  RISK by definition ‘is a situation involving some potential exposure to danger’. RISK is associated with Danger. They are very close friends. Some of us manage fear better than others, but RISK will always give us a reason to pause and make us think. That said, some don’t give it a second thought. They act instinctively or impulsively and just go with the flow. I admire that. But with rare exceptions, probably better to proceed with caution. After all, caution represents taking care to avoid mistakes.

Mistakes, blunders, and errors are part of the territory in life, and taking the RISK can easily lead to that but what if you don’t take the RISK? Then you don’t have a chance to know, would you have succeeded? Would you have hit the mark? RISK plays a role in both our personal and professional lives. RISK can drive us forward and forward is where we want to be. There is no fulfillment in standing still or worse, moving backwards. Consider the RISK. What will it represent? What will the outcome be? Often the RISK is worth it.

Research new opportunities

Invest your time wisely

Step outside your comfort zone

Keep moving forward

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