When you are on the job hunt, thinking about a career change, a possible career re-invention (something I know a lot about) and/or you need to make a change for ‘change sake’, the best secret weapon is a RELATIONSHIP.

Whatever your current status or what you are thinking, the best place to begin the process, and make no mistake, IT IS A PROCESS, you need to think about who you know. The relationships you have in place are the best possible starting point. One of my mantras is “the best resource you have is you”. The search, the career sequencing begins with who and what is already in your back pocket. Who you know is the first resource you hit.

The RELATIONSHIPS you have are the very foundation with which you build and begin your search.

Make a list of all the appropriate friends, business friends, family, colleagues, professors and associates that you think are worth an exploratory call or better yet, grabbing some face time and have a conversation about your current status and the direction you are thinking about. Take this list seriously, think about the names and prioritize them. Work your way through the list but reach out to the top names first. Chances are they will/can offer you more meaningful results and generate more activity on your behalf.

Make sure you are prepared for the ‘exploratory’ conversation so you can help your resource help you. The more information you provide, the more specific you position yourself, the more help you get.

DO NOT put the onus on your resource and make them do the work. It’s not their responsibility to carry your load. Have a game plan in place. Have questions and information ready. This allows you and your resource an opportunity to maximize the time you have, get the most value out of them and create some significant dialogue that will hopefully generate even more resources and NEW RELATIONSHIPS. It’s all about creating more opportunities. Every good strategy should be fortified with a secret weapon. Arm yourself with a good relationship.



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