A work in progress is progress being made…..
- Specializing in: College Grads, Entry Level, Career Transition, Career Disruption & Professional Re-Invention
- Resume Review/Cover Letter
- College Application Essays
- Credential Review – Determine your core
- Brand Strategy: What’s the best way to position yourself
- Build a compelling story to support the BRAND
- Advice and Consultation: Career Management / Career Transition / Career Maintenance
- Effective Network Skills and Social Media Management
- Interview prep and training
- Effective Time Management
- Salary negotiation • Salary Retention
- Together we create a plan, create a VISION and set attainable GOALS
- Together – we map it out
- We determine your comfort zone and your market
- I become your partner and advocate to help you ESTABLISH yourself
- Create a Job Search Portfolio
- Build confidence to recognize your VALUE