It’s not uncommon in all walks of life, especially my biz, to have people go dark.
I could have on-going dialogue about a search we are doing, a specific need of a client or even a talent we represent in need of help/advice, and – BOOM – it goes mute.
Like a switch – everything turns off. Soundless, voiceless and no response. That’s the worst part – no response. So what do you do? What can you do?
In my business, it’s so important to build momentum and create a flow of activity. Everyday, I think, if I can’t make a dollar – make a contact. Activity eventually does translate into revenue. Stay pro active and eventually, opportunity will strike. I look for that moment when things collide. It motivates me. It keeps my day going and it measure some level of success.
I sell a service. I market that service. I provide talent. I rely on communication. It is the seed that produces for both my client and myself.
But when they shut down – what do you do? It’s a very difficult question to ask and even more difficult to answer because there is no one set solution. Persistence can backfire – be careful with that.
Reading your client, understanding your client, knowing your client, getting inside their head is the only way to find resolution and satisfy your frustration. Manage a strategy that makes sense based on that. Keep in mind that sometimes there is no conclusion. A bitter pill to swallow – but it may just be the way it flows.
Be resourceful. Be practical. Be thoughtful. Be aware of who you are dealing with. Above all – be patient and be smart. BTW – this thought process should hold true for personal relationships too. Mostly the answer is common sense.
See you next week.