By James Levin| Nov 27, 2019
It’s that time of year again, when many of us get a few extra days off, spend time with the family and deal with, what I call the 3 F’s. Food, family and football. Either way, it is a good time to reflect, re-wind some of the experiences you have had this year and BE THANKFUL for who you are, where you are, what you do, who you do it with and those that surround you. The ‘circle ’you have is the constant in your life and if you minimize it, take it/them for granted, underestimate what they provide for you, you are making a mistake that can cost you…..BIG TIME. Never, ever, underestimate your core.
The people in your life that support you are the foundation that hold you up. I am reminding you, to stop for a moment and be THANKFUL for those that reinforce YOU. They fortify you and deserve some recognition. If not for our circle of friends, family, colleagues, our pets, the clients, your vendors, and your CAREER COACH – what do we have? We are all caught up in the ‘day to day’, that we can easily lose sight of what really matters.
We are all guilty – there is no way to avoid it. Life just sometimes, gets in the way, so I am imploring you to STOP for a moment and appreciate, acknowledge and with a great sense of humble, think about the essence of your life. Put things in perspective and allow yourself those moments to enjoy the quality and character you have because if not for the circle that does provide the balance in your life, we are all on a path that leads to an abyss.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!