Ideas are like little blasts of energy that float in and out of your mind. Some are meaningful and full of substance that can probably impact you, the people you work with, your friends, family and maybe the world. Then there are those fleeting thoughts that shift in and out of mind space that never really connect and just disappear. Always bothers me that I can barely remember those. They are often fun and make sense for about 2 minutes. Maybe that’s why they vanish so quickly. They evaporate like steam over a hot pot of water.

Great idea – Poof and gone!

Good ideas automatically have a default – They come with an expiration date. We get so busy. It’s difficult to make additional time to put these ideas into action. It’s a bummer that we let so much slip away. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could really execute these ideas and see what effect they might actually have? A good idea, large or small should always have a net take away, a consequence and some kind of fallout. Why not – you thought of it……

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