Looking for a job, looking at career change, thinking about making some kind of transition, for whatever reason, requires some serious thought and if approached well, can be a very cool and rewarding experience. It can also be very unpleasant. How you approach the process will determine just how that plays out. Attitude will drive this forward….or backward. That is a key to it all – keep your mind right.
Like all things, you need a plan and you need to start at the beginning. Many think, because they have experience and/or they are more ‘senior’ that they can skip a few steps and begin in the middle. WRONG! Everything starts at the beginning. No exceptions. Build something from the bottom up. Simple stuff. Foundation first. What is your core? What is it that you can market best? You map it out in your head and like any road trip – you start at point ‘A” and take your time and make sure you get to point ‘B’.
This process takes time, energy and persistence. It’s typically a long race not a short run. Pace yourself and think about what you do, how you do it and what the target is. The Finish Line!

The starting line is where every race begins. You want to be in shape for this race. Training is vital to the success of this process. Do the work and invest in yourself. You create a network by building relationships and resources that you can reach out to and rely on for information and eventually, more contacts. Professional and personal – they all have some value and need to be considered. It’s the long term that counts. Establish a solid network and they become resources forever. Be pro-active in how you build the network, as they are the foundation of the search. Keep it organized and keep it ‘real’. Use your resources, don’t abuse them. Remember if you ask for help, someday, you might have to reciprocate. Keep it balanced. The network is the place to begin. You create dialogue and those conversations will open up ideas and doors that continue to move you forward. You have to push it and drive it. You maintain a level of respect for all of your resources and develop a trust that engages you both and creates the relationship that becomes so important to your network.

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