Seems the more I talk to folks in any kind of business, we are all centered on the data that represents The Bottom Line. In a meeting you hear, ‘OK, I get that, but what’s the bottom line?’ We look at that as the baseline for everything. If the BL isn’t good, we have to back-up and reassess. We re-evaluate, make new considerations, look for ways to initiate smart changes and when that’s all done, we once again look at the bottom line. Does it provide the ultimate OUTCOME? Are the results what we want, what we hope for, what we need to move something forward?

The BL is so often connected to business. But what about the impact of what I call your PBL, – ‘PERSONAL BOTTOM LINE?’ We need to consider what that represents and for all of us, it will represent many different things. Limitations. Determinations. Your core beliefs. Rising to the occasion. Making the best of something. Do you believe/trust in yourself? Are you goal oriented?  Are you an outcome searcher? You will do what is necessary to achieve success. Are you responsible? Will you own it? There are many metrics that can measure ‘your own BOTTOM LINE’. Be aware of them. Know how to make them talking points on your behalf. People will respond accordingly. They will be more open to wanting to keep the conversation going. When you are searching, exploring, what will the ULTIMATE RESULT be? What’s the BOTTOM LINE?

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