You’re on the job, you’re talking to a teacher, a colleague, a friend, a client, your mom and they ask you a question that has you stumped…….what do you say?
Most people instinctively respond, “I don’t know.”
I’m an advocate of never saying ‘I don’t know.’ Those 3 words kill the moment. It adds nothing except uncertainty. It makes people uncomfortable and feeling insecure. It actually can cause people to be concerned about you and your ability to get things done, and I am all about getting things done.
‘I don’t know’ at work can really be a problem. Nobody wants to feel unsettled and be left with some doubt. It offers no assurances – it leaves us in the unknown.
The response needs to be, “I’ll find out.” Those 3 words add hope to a conversation. It creates a feeling of resolution. Maybe not immediately – but we know there’s a solution coming and we look forward to it. It offers a sense of satisfaction that something is getting done. I’m confident with ‘I’ll find out.’ Makes me feel good. It makes us all feel good. Someone has taken the initiative and they are getting information to complete the process. ‘I’ll find out’ is ambitious. We now anticipate with confidence.
Have the courage to avoid “I don’t know” and say, “I’ll find out.” If you do – you will look smart.