TRANSITION: I am confronted with it every day.
I am dealing w/ an environment that is constantly changing. Many of the people I represent, service, consul and coach are in a state of transition. Much of this is due to the economic climate and technology. It’s not news. We have been knee deep in this for quite awhile.
The key is to maintain a sense of durability and agility.
Durable – keeps us strong.
Agility – allows us to realign our tools/skills to meet the needs of the landscape as it changes.
This has had a profound impact on all of us. It impacts our behavior and it impacts our mindset.
It also impacts how we are perceived as we expose ourselves to the specialties and categories we are connected to.
What’s a good approach for ‘change’? Common sense is, in my opinion, the best way to move the process forward.
Strategize and think about ‘YOU’. Determine what matters most for you. Think about what you need to do and how best to get that in place. Don’t set yourself up with too many things to do at once. Don’t multi task – Stay on task. You multi task – you dilute the process of accomplishment.
A key question to ask yourself is, “what do I want?” – “what do I need?”
Practice being practical.