The pandemic accelerated CHANGE. It accelerated TRENDS. It pushed all of us to not do things differently, but to THINK things differently. With some exception, life has a way of proving that from bad comes good. The pandemic was as bad as bad can be. The good is that we have and continue to survive it, move forward and get on with life…..and work. The WORKPLACE CULTURE has shifted its behavior in a very profound and significant way. Under any circumstance, the dynamics are always in a FLUX, but the CHANGES we have and continue to EXPERIENCE have created a FLUID and extreme push toward a new way of doing BUSINESS. 

Words like FLEXIBILITY, ADAPTABILITY, RESILIIANCE, VERSATILITY and COMPROMISE are now part of the everyday workplace vernacular and as we emerge from the grip of COVID, we are beginning to reassess who we are, whet we do, where we do it and HOW we do it. 

Procedure will change. Protocol will change. Process will change. Time is now of the ESSENCE and how we manage all the CHANGE will clearly determine what kind of EXPERIENCE we have and how SUCCESSFUL we will be as we approach the ‘NEW NORM’.

ONBOARDING has been, in some categories swift and fast. And, contrary to that, some categories have been a slow boat, which still leaves many looking for work, career change and OUT OF WORK. Recognize how the current movements have shifted searching for OPPORTUNITY and securing them. For all of those on the hunt for OPPORTUNITY, stay focused, keep your head in the game, don’t give up and try to maintain a positive MINDSET. For all the vagabonds out there – If you follow the rule of patience, you can re-educate yourself and land in a meaningful work experience that can and will fulfill your dreams.

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