Fear of failure often causes people to procrastinate. How often did we hear, especially as kids, ‘don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today’?
Truth be told – it’s great advice. Whatever it may be – why prolong the inevitable? Just get off your ass and do it. Get it done.
In life, fear of failure is a dangerous thing. Embrace what’s in front of you. Take the risk. It’s the best way to learn. There is no down side. Failure teaches us so many things. The best thing about uncertainty and pushing yourself is, at some point, we find answers.
Even if it’s not the answer we want – there is still a sense of accomplishment and that’s always a reward.
Fear doesn’t sleep. There is no escape from it. It’s always awake pushing us, telling us we have unfinished business. The best way to put it to rest is to understand there is no right without wrong.
Fear of failure is not an option – it’s a necessity. It’s drives all of us.
Kill time. Waste time. Bide time. Mark time. Point in time. Ahead of time. Behind time. All the time. Well timed. Time to spare……
There are 100 reasons why we don’t want to do something. What I want you to do is find the ONE reason why you should do it.