How easy is it to succumb to this? Things that we cannot define often hit us hard. We all deal with uncertainty differently, but we all must deal with it. As a Sr. Career Coach at a major university, I work with students. 65% of them, nationwide, when asked, ‘what do you want to do?’ respond with 6 very telling words: I don’t know or I’m not sure. Hard to top a university student’s uncertainty. They are coming of age and in 4 fast years, they will have to cross the threshold from student to adult and GET A JOB! The perfect storm for uncertainty.

Uncertainty breeds indecision. It pushes hesitancy to the front of the line. It increases doubt and worse, self-doubt. Once we become tentative, we are stuck. And although it could be temporary, for a time, we are immovable. If we’re unsure, we lose confidence. That makes progress difficult. Don’t punish yourself – It’s common. It’s human nature.

That rapid heartbeat, that accelerated breathing, that tightness in the tummy, the tensing of muscles, the sweat on the brow; these are all signs of uncertainty and again, I repeat – it’s normal.

What matters is the outcome. Challenge yourself. Take the risk. Measure the probabilities. Make an assessment and take action. Trust your gut. If the resource isn’t yourself, consult with your ‘go-to’.

It’s the result that counts and if you don’t try – You have lost before you even begin. There’s no fulfillment if the effort isn’t there.

Push yourself. Success is measured by how you deal with your ‘wall of uncertainty’.

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